Due to the many health and travel restrictions, the ICSD Steering Committee decided to convert the 8th ICSD 2020 to an online conference.
Conference Objective and Philosophical Framework
The International Conference on Sustainable Development is organized by the European Center of Sustainable Development in collaboration with CIT University.
The 8th ICSD 2020 is inspired from the critical challenge of human, environmental, and economic sustainability concerning the present and future generations in a global-scale context.
Wednesday 9 to Thursday 10 September, 2020
The Conference theme is:
This ambition will proceed in a multidisciplinary way across the various fields and perspectives, through which we can address the fundamental and related questions of Sustainable Development. This interdisciplinary forum is for scholars, teachers, and practitioners from any professional discipline who share an interest in—and concern for— sustainability in an holistic perspective, where environmental, cultural, economic and social concerns intersect.
We invite you to submit an abstract in the range of the following streams within the ICSD2020 program:
We are inviting proposals for paper presentations, posters/exhibits, or virtual presentation. Proposal ideas that extend beyond these thematic areas will also be considered. For more information about the ideas and themes underlying this community send an e-mail at: icsd@ecsdev.org Virtual participation is available for those who are unable to attend the conference in person. All conference registrants (online and online poster) can be published in the European Journal of Sustainable Development.
Several types of information will be requested when you submit your proposal, but the "Long Description" is the central and most important component. It contains the information which reviewers use to evaluate the proposal and, if your presentation is ultimately published in the journal, serves at the Abstract of the journal article. While each proposal should address the purpose, methods, and implications of the scholarly work, the content within these general categories will vary somewhat, based on the type of scholarly work to be presented and the type of presentation you choose. Illustrations of the topics, or elements, to be addressed in the proposal are presented below. Please note that all proposals and presentations must be in English or Italian.
Research Focus
- Thesis statement: the hypothesis, research statement, statement of the problem or issue being explored.
- Methodology: brief overview of research method used to address the research question identified in the thesis statement. For the proposal, include information on the type of data collected (e.g., surveys, interviews, tests, literary analysis or critique, observations) but not on design, sampling, or data analyses techniques (these should be explained in the full paper).
- Results: the main findings of the study, resulting from the methods used.
- Conclusions and Implications: what the results mean for the field of study or for society; relate back to the thesis statement.
Practice Focus
- Framework: the scholarly knowledge base--theoretical framework, previous research, or conceptual approach--upon which the practical application is based.
- Description of practical application: what was designed or developed, how was it implemented, in what setting and with whom?
- Outcomes: what has been learned from the implementation, what strengths and weaknesses have been identified?
- Implications: what are the next steps or the implications for future practice or for society.
Theory Focus
- Statement of the hypothesis, theoretical perspective, or philosophical idea being asserted.
- Relationship to existing theories or perspectives in the field.
- Contribution: how proposed idea advances knowledge in the field or benefits society.
III. Type of Presentation: Video, Poster/Exhibit
Online Oral Video Presentation
Due to the many health and travel restrictions, the ICSD Steering Committee decided to convert the 8th ICSD 2020 to an online conference. The online oral video presentation system (includes also the Virtual presentation) allows the authors of accepted papers the same publication opportunities as regular presenters. A research work submitted without the participant attending the Conference in person, but presented in the Conference Program and published (if accepted) in the conference proceedings and EJSD Journal.
Accepted papers will be organized into thematic sessions and, while the preparation for your presentation may be different for these two formats, the content of your proposal should include all of the elements of a research, practice, or theory-focused work listed in the proposal submission form.
Participants should send by email a recorded Video narration over Power Point presentation (or similar). The recommended length for video presentations is 15 minutes. A possible example is available at the link:
Please note that no template is required for the online oral video presentation. The presentation should be a visual presentation of your submitted abstract and should meet the minimum following criteria:
Title: The title should be the same as in the submitted abstract.
The authors’ names and their affiliations: Your usual contact details (e.g. an email address) to allow delegates to follow up discussion.
Size: The video presentation should not exceed 100MB of size. There is no limit to the number of pages.
Please make sure to check the online Conference program for your scheduled presentation session.
Deadline for Video Submission: 31 August 2020.
Online Poster/Exhibit
In addition to your written proposal included in the proceedings, authors selected for a poster presentation will be asked to produce Poster Power point presentation for display in the poster virtual room of the conference. Generally most appropriate for "practice-focused" works (or works in progress), a poster/exhibit proposal may concentrate on one aspect, for example, "description of the practical application". The proposal should clearly describe the type of information (or product) that will be displayed. The poster should be a visual presentation of your submitted abstract and should meet the minimum following criteria:
Title: The title should be the same as in the submitted abstract.
The authors’ names and their affiliations: Your usual contact details (e.g. an email address) to allow delegates to follow up discussion
Size: The power point presentation should not exceed 20MB of size. You can have more than one page.
Please make sure to check the online Conference program for your scheduled poster presentation date, time and session.
Deadline for Poster Submission: 30 July 2020.
IV. Steps for Presenting at the Conference
Preparing to present your scholarly work at the annual conference consists of the following steps, each of which is explained in detail in the indicated link(s).
1. Prepare your proposal
- Consider the most appropriate Proposal Type for your topic and stage of work.
- Review the Proposal Guidelines for the topics to be included in the proposal.
- Prepare the proposal for online submission and note the current submission deadline.
2. Submit your Proposal
- On the web site you can Download the proposal form
- Enter all the requested information, and choose the Themes and Keywords that best fit your presentation.
- Your proposal will be reviewed within 1-4 weeks of receipt.
3. Register to attend Conference and submit your manuscript
- If your proposal is accepted, declare your intention to attend and present your work by registering for the conference and send your manuscript at icsd@ecsdev.org
- Remember that your presentation cannot be scheduled until your registration is complete and fully paid.
4. prepare your presentation
- Note your presentation date: Depending on when you submitted your proposal and completed registration, your presentation will appear in either the draft program.
- Title of Proposal
- Presentation Type: (paper, poster,)
- Longer Description (Abstract): A description of the purpose, methods, and implications of your scholarly work. This will be used to evaluate and place your work in the appropriate session. If your paper is subsequently published as an article in the journal, this will serve as the Abstract (may be revised prior to publication). Recommended length 150-200 words. Proposal submissions must contain no more than 30% of textual material published in other places by the same author or authors, and these other places must be acknowledged and cited; in other words, the remaining 70% of the proposal must be unique and original to your current submission. The proposal title and abstract should be the same as the manuscript submission. In case of differences, we'll refer to the manuscript submission as the definitive one.
- Keyword set: Keywords are used to organize presentations into appropriate sessions, so please choose words that clearly describe the main idea of your work. List only 3-8 keywords.
- Knowledge Focus: Choose if your work has a Practice, Research, or Theory focus. .
- Theme Selection: Select the theme that best categorizes your work. Theme selections will be used to begin the process of organizing presentations into sessions. Proposals related to topics other than these themes may also be considered.
- Scheduling Note: optional note to organizers regarding session scheduling requests or restrictions. Note that these requests can only be honored for registrations received by certain dates (see Registration Deadlines).
- Biographical Information: organization or institution, position or title within the organization/institution, short statement of interests.
- Language: Please note that all proposals must be in English.
Download the proposal form and follow the directions; or contact us for assistance.
Important Note: You may submit multiple proposals for a conference. However, in the interest of fairness and as a function of the scheduling process, each presented paper must have a separate registered author. Therefore, you may co-author up to 3 presented papers, but there must be 3 registered participants--one available to present each of the three papers. In other words, there must be at least one, paid, in-person registration per paper presented at the conference.
Authors Guidelines
General Requirements
- All manuscript should be written in English or Italian language. The abstract should be written only in English.
- We only accept text files or files in .doc or .docx format (such as from Microsoft Word). We do not accept PDF submissions.
- Articles should be approximately 2,000-5,000 words in length and should not exceed 10 pages. They should be written as continuous expository narrative in a chapter or article style—not as lists of points or a PowerPoint presentation.
- Please remember that the articles are to be published in a fully refereed academic journal. This means that the style and structure of your text should be relatively formal. For instance, you should not submit a verbatim transcript of your oral presentation, such as ‘Today I want to speak to you about …’.
- Article submissions must contain no more than 30% of textual material published in other places by the same author or authors, and these other places must be acknowledged and cited; in other words, the remaining 70% of the article must be unique and original to your current submission.
- Submitted manuscripts must not have been published previously, moreover submission to the journal will be deemed to imply that the manuscript will not be submitted elsewhere if accepted.
- Authors must ensure the accuracy of citations, quotations, diagrams, tables and maps.
- Spelling can vary according to national usage, but should be internally consistent.
- Articles should be thoroughly checked and proofread before submission. After you have submitted your article you are unable to make any changes to it during the refereeing process, although if accepted, you will have a chance to make minor revisions after refereeing and before the final submission of your article.
- Articles will be assessed by referees against ten criteria or fewer, if some criteria do not apply to a particular kind of article.
- An article should comprise of the title, authors, affiliation of authors, a sufficiently informative abstract of about 150-200 words (same as the proposal submission), Keywords, and Introduction of the paper. `End of proof' should be indicated by a halmos. References at the end of the manuscript should be arranged alphabetically.
- Articles must have a minimum of ten scholarly references.
- Editorial decisions on acceptance or otherwise will be taken normally within 2-3 weeks of receipt of a paper, for papers submitted before the late deadline. Generally no review is performed during the month of August.
- The corresponding author will receive galley proofs, which should be corrected and returned within 48 hours of receipt.
- Authors must retain a copy of every contribution, as these will not be sent along with the proofs to be corrected by the authors.
- Responsibility of the contents rests upon the authors and not upon the publisher.
In case of Acceptance a manuscript should be submitted in Word file and should not exceed 10 pages.
Please use the following rule of text for your manuscript:
- Title: 14 pts. Centered, Garamond or Times New Roman
- Abstract: 10 pts. Italic, Garamond or Times New Roman
- Paragraphs: 12 pts. Numbered, alignment left. Garamond or Times New Roman
- Text: 12 pts, single line, Justified, Garamond or Times New Roman
- References: Use APA style for references
- Tables and figures: Included in the text, centered and numbered
A possible example can be found at the following link: http://ojs.ecsdev.org/index.php/ejsd/article/view/71/65
Regular Deadline
Late Submission Deadline
Proposal Submission
20 April 2020 |
15 July 2020
Notification of Acceptance
Before 25 April 2020
Before 20 July 2020
Manuscript Submission
30 April 2020
30 July 2020
5 May 2020
30 July 2020
Important Notes
1. Registration Fees includes:
- Online conference session presentation (based on accepted proposal and scheduling into the conference program).
- Certificate of Appreciation (hard copy).
- Publication of accepted manuscripts in the European Journal of Sustainable Development (ISSN), online and print edition.
- Publication of accepted proposals in the Proceedings 8th ICSD 2020, Book of Abstracts (ISBN), online and print edition.
- Shipping of the Conference materials, delivered by the end of October 2020 at your specified address.
3. Registrations must be completed and fully paid before presentations are scheduled. Payment must be received by the indicated date in order to receive the stated guarantees associated with the specific Registration Phase. If registration payment is received after the late registration deadline, scheduling of the presentation is subject to availability of space.
4. Note that proposal submission is mandatory. Meanwhile manuscript submission is optional. Late manuscript submission, if accepted, can be published in the next issue of EJSD.
5. All Participant authors and co-authors must register separately once the proposal has been accepted. Non Participant co-authors do not need to register. It is sufficient the registration of the primary author.